Missions & Embassy Security Police

UNMIK 2004-2005
UNMIK 2004-2005

In 1991 I decided to serve for my Country abroad and started a very intensive training program with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bonn (former Capitol of Germany).

In former times of the Bundesgrenzschutz (Federal Border Guards)  officers had the chance to become special trained for services like Security Police for Lufthansa Stations, for German Embassies, in after War-Zone Missions and international Bodyguarding.


My assignments

  • 1992  German Embassy Dublin / Ireland
  • 1994  German Embassy Beijing / China
  • 1999  German Embassy Ankara / Turkey
  • 2004  UNMIK (Kosovo)
  • 2007  German Embassy Prague / Czech Republic
  • 2010  EUMM Georgia
  • 2023  German Embassy Sofia / Bulgaria

In all those years I was working in serveral fields. Mostly in leading positions.


on patrol in Georgia to observe military bases
on patrol at the administrative boundaray line at Enguri Dam in Georgia
receiving the medal of honor from field office chief Mr. Mayer