Federal Police Germany

working at Stuttgart Airport HQ

Everything began January 2nd 1979 in Coburg. I started with the Federal Borderguards my basic training. Stationed the first years in Coburg, Rosenheim and Grafenau I finished Police Academy in 1982 and finally found my position inside the BGS in my home town. I first was serving as driver of the Commander, changed to become a cook and changed again into a logistics officer. 


Other tasks I have done was working in Anti-Riot Units, internal patrols along the border of former GDR and after the wall came down, I was serving in areas of former GDR. After I made my Police Defensive Tactics licence, I was asked as deporter of criminals or illegal refugees back into their home Countries. This task lead me into Countries such as

  • Algeria
  • Turkey
  • Tunisia
  • Vietnam
    and others

From 1988 on I was working in active field service at the Swiss border, at Munich Airport and along the French border. In 2005 I made my licence as evidence & documentation protection officer in observation units within the Federal Border Guards.


2007 the Academy of higher education of the Federal Police Germany was asking for support. I worked almost 8 month as teacher/instructor for new cadets. Teaching self defense, tactics and others was my main task. By the end of 2007 I again went abroad to protect the German Embassy staff in Prague / CZ.


Since November 2008 I am responsible to teach Police Defensive Tactics to Police officers of the Federal Police Germany at the RHQ (Regional Headquarter) Munich. My task in general:


  • Health Prevention Training to Officers
  • Shooting Instructor
  • Self Defense Instructor
  • Situation Training
  • Sports Instructor
  • Fitness Instructor


All Trainers and Instructors in 12 Police Departments within the Regional HQ of Bavaria are committed to permanent education in order to transmit this knowledge to Officers out on the street.


2010 until 2011 I served at EUMM Mission in Georgia. 


2011 I went to Police Academy for higher education my self and in 2012 I finished my exam and took over the Police Training section for 11 Police Departments.


In January 2017 I was educated at the Police Academy to be Instructor for Intercultural Competence.


Sadly everything comes to an end, as I retired from police service on August 1st. 2021. 

together with international friends colleagues from Jordania, Turkey & England
Observation / monitoring in Georgia
together with my colleague Andre at PDT school