
August 2024 beginnt meine nächste Aufgabe in Taschkent / Usbekistan. Dort werde ich für das Auswärtige Amt  für einige Monate vor Ort verschiedene Aufgaben erfüllen. Die Vorbereitungen dazu laufen bereits und ich freue mich unglaublich auf diese neue Herausforderung in einen wunderschönen Land, wo die Seidenstrassen zusammenlaufen, das Himalaya nicht weit entfernt ist und die Jahreszeit nicht besser sein könnte. 

Nach einem sehr ereignisreichen Wochenende in Lowestoft / GB und nach einem genialen Seminar in GM Kevin Guntons Haus haben wir beschlossen in England eine Krav Maga Defense Security Gruppe und Organisation aufzubauen. An diesem Wochenende sind bereits einige Teilnehmer durch hervorragende Leistungen damit belohnt worden, dass sie den Level One bekamen. 

Already last year, the President of the German Budo Sport Association, Mr. Holger Klein and his board appointed Freddy Kleinschwärzer as the new leader of the regional HQ. We publish this exciting announcement now, as so far the new logo was not decided on. On the left you see the new logo now.  

End of November I get my new task. As I was re-activated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I had to do some special trainings the past year to receive my new assignment. Finally this will be Bulgaria now. I am lookin forward to this task and are delighted for this chance to serve my Country at the German Embassy again.

03. Sept. 2023 - A new task is ahead of me, as I join a special program within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to protect somewhere in this beautiful World an German Embassy again. I probably will be assigned by the end of the year.

A new task has been waiting for me since August 2021. After long discussions, I was hired by KETA-Security GmbH Munich as a advisor and security expert. My main task is the training and further education of security personnel, the qualification of armed personnel as a state-approved examiner for weapons expertise and as an instructor for the preparation for the expertise examination of the IHK according to § 34 a GewO. I will also be active in company management, the acquisition of new employees and company contracts. I am very pleased that Mr. Jonny Keta has placed his trust in me for this activity.

After month of hard work our Chief of Quality Management, Freiherr Philipp von Uckermann, finally managed to receive the highest recognition for our extraordinary standards in certifying participants. We received the seal and quality certification DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. This proofes our professional work we do in building trainers, multiplicators and instructors within Self Defense and Security as well as violence prevention. I am very proud about our now working quality management system. Thanks again to the man who worked hard for really one year. Our quality manager Mr. Freiherr Philipp von Uckermann from Munich.

2016 we reorganized the Defense & Security section. Out of this we finally created and found the BfSD (Bundesfachverband für Sicherheit & Self Defense in Deutschland). This Federal Special Association for Security and Self Defense in Germany, has integrated an own Academy. Almost 100 instructors are active and licensed to teach the methods

  • Defense & Security by Ott
  • Self Defense Instructor
  • Gewaltprävention (Projekt EVA)
  • u.v.m. (Personenschutz, Schießen, etc.)

Beginning 27th Februaray until 1st March the first time ever the Defense & Security Academy will open the doors for a multiple intructional weekend for violence prevention instructor training, self defense instructor training, defense & security instructor training and training to become a instructor for people with handicap.



May 11th 2010 - Arriving in EUMM Georgia


After a very high standardized training with the German Police and Federal Police, as well as the health test I finally became the "green light" to head to Georgia. I will serve for EUMM for the next couple month.



August 10th 2010 - Meeting with Georgian Ju-Jutsu President


A first meeting with the President of the Georgian Ju-Jutsu Federation, Avtandil Mikadze, was fruitful. I was talking to this Gentleman concerning a cooperation between WMAGC and Georgian Ju-Jutsu Federation. Mr. Mikadze has met me in Georgian Palace Hotel in Kobuleti. Further meetings are planned and I was already asked to give seminars in Georgia.

August 15th 2010 - New Assignment


After working along the ABL to Abkhazia for almost 3 month I was called by the Chief of Field Office into another team to take over from a colleague. This Danish colleague has end of mission and due to my experience and expertise I will be the new Liasion to all certain Police Units within the AOR I am working for.